Influences of Wheel Rail Friction Coefficient on the Dynamic Response and Wheel Wear of Low Floor Light Rail
摘要: 为了确保低地板轻轨车辆安全且平稳地运行,以某轻轨线路为依托,利用多体动力学软件UM(Universal Mechanism)建立了低地板轻轨车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型。选用LM磨耗型车轮踏面以及R50标准钢轨,以美国六级不平顺轨道谱作为线路激扰。基于Hertz及Kalker简化理论、Archard模型,进行不同摩擦系数共5个工况下车辆动力响应以及车轮磨耗变化规律的仿真分析。在此基础上进一步分析了4个不同运行里程阶段对应共96组车轮磨耗型面下轻轨车辆安全性指标的变化规律。研究了4个不同运行里程阶段对应的不同车轮磨耗型面下车辆过曲线时安全性指标随摩擦系数的变化情况。结果表明:脱轨系数、轮轴横向力、轮轨横向力、车体横向加速度受摩擦系数的影响较为显著,而轮重减载率、车体垂向加速度对摩擦系数的改变并不敏感。车轮磨耗深度随里程和摩擦系数的增加而增大,且相同工况下独立旋转车轮的磨耗情况更加严重。在车辆运行40 000 km后,其轮轨横向力、轮轴横向力、脱轨系数整体呈现随里程增加而增大的规律,而轮重减载率基本不受运行里程的影响。在不同摩擦系数及运行里程的叠加影响下,轮轨横向力、轮轴横向力、脱轨系数的峰值出现的位置不同,而轮重减载率却始终处于较为稳定的状态。
- 轨道交通 /
- 低地板轻轨 /
- 动力响应及车轮磨耗分析 /
- 车辆-轨道耦合动力学 /
- 摩擦系数
Abstract: Taking a certain light rail line as the basis, a low-floor trams vehicle-track coupled dynamic model is established utilizing the multi-body dynamics software Universal Mechanism (UM). LM wear-type treads and R50 standard rails are selected, and the US VI irregularity track spectrum is used as the line excitation. Firstly, the vehicle's dynamic response and wheel wear is studied under five different friction coefficients, based on Hertz and simplified Kalker theories, as well as the Archard model. Then, the variation patterns of safety indicators under 96 groups of wheel wear profiles, corresponding to four different running mileage stages, are further analyzed. Finally the changes of the safety indicators of the vehicle passing through curves under different wheel wear profiles at four different mileage stages with the friction coefficient are studied. The results show that the derailment coefficient, lateral wheelset force, lateral wheel-rail force and lateral car-body acceleration are significantly influenced by the friction coefficient, whereas the wheel load reduction rate and vertical car-body acceleration are not sensitive to changes in the friction coefficient. The depth of wheel wear increases with mileage and friction coefficient, and the wear situation of independently rotating wheels is more severe under the same working conditions. After the vehicle has traveled 40 000 km, the lateral wheel-rail force, lateral wheelset force and derailment coefficient generally exhibit an increasing trend with mileage, while the wheel load reduction rate remains unaffected. Under the combined effects of different friction coefficients and operating mileages, the positions of peak values of the lateral wheel-rail force, lateral wheelset force and derailment coefficient occur at different locations, while the wheel load reduction rate remains relatively stable. -
表 1 低地板列车建模主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters for modeling low floor trains
参数名称 动车 拖车 轮对质量Mw/kg 1 500 750(单个车轮) 构架质量Mf/kg 2 970 4 224 车体质量Mc/t 9 3.3 轴距/m 1.85 1.85 车辆定距/m 10.31 10.31 表 2 不同摩擦系数下各指标的峰值
Table 2. Peak values of various indicators under different friction coefficients
摩擦系数 轮轨横向力/kN 轮轴横向力/kN 脱轨系数 轮重减载率 垂向加速度/(m/s2) 横向加速度/(m/s2) 0.1 29.115 19.509 0.455 0.545 0.792 1.229 0.15 29.54 20.634 0.469 0.55 0.798 1.546 0.2 30.633 21.001 0.487 0.555 0.842 1.825 0.25 34.381 23.045 0.544 0.554 0.844 1.869 0.3 37.91 26.197 0.592 0.555 0.847 1.929 -
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