An Analysis of Driving Behavior on Short Distance Section between Tunnel and the Exit of Main Roadway
摘要: 当受地理与投资因素限制,山区高速公路隧道与主线出口间距离低于规范值,则该区域称为小净距路段。为描述该区域车辆行驶特征,充实山区公路设计与交通管控的理论基础,在我国秦岭服务区等7处山区高速公路小净距路段,通过无人机定点俯拍采集高清行车视频,基于视频提取全域车辆高精度速度与轨迹数据,实现车辆行驶特征分析。本研究基于SIFT算法进行视频配准;基于YOLOv5与DeepSORT算法实现车辆检测与连续跟踪;采用Savitzky-Golay滤波器对数据进行光滑滤波。基于以上方法,可获得高精度车辆行驶数据。经验证,车速精度可达到95%以上,轨迹误差小于20 cm。而后,考虑了净距长度、车辆类型、车道分布等指标,从多角度多因素对行车特征进行了分析。结果显示:①小净距路段车辆行驶特征与普通路段有明显的差异,车速分布不满足正态分布规律;②整体上驶出车辆在渐变段起点前10~20 m左右会稳定车辆运行状态;③由于视角更高,货车相对小车能更快识别出口路况,所以车速相对平稳;④内侧驶出小车在渐变段起点20 m后以1.1~1.4 m/s的横向速度驶入减速车道,当主线为左偏曲线最有利于驶出;⑤净距长度对驾驶行为产生的影响最为明显,交通流方面交通量是最大的影响因素,道路线形因素中曲线偏转方向及偏转角是最大的影响因素。Abstract: A short distance section is a section between the tunnel and the mainline exit of a mountainous highway whose length is lower than the normative value because of the limitation of geographical and investment factors. In order to analyze the driving characteristics of this area thus to enhance the theoretical base for mountain road design and traffic control, high-definition driving videos are collected by drones in 7 mountain roads (e.g., Qinling service area) with short distance sections in China. The high-precision speed and trajectory data of vehicles across the entire region have been extracted. The SIFT algorithm is used for video stabilization. The YOLOv5 and DeepSORT algorithms are adopted for vehicle detection and tracking. The Savitzky-Golay filter is utilized to filter the data. Finally, high precision driving data can be obtained based on the above methods. It is verified that the accuracy of speed can reach more than 95% and the error of trajectory is less than 20 cm. Next, the driving characteristics are analyzed from a variety of perspectives, such as clearance distance, vehicle type, lane distribution, and others. The results show that: ①the driving characteristics on short distance section are very different from those on usual road section that the speed distribution does not follow a normal distribution; ②generally the outgoing vehicles would be steady 10 to 20 m ahead of the commencement of the fading phase; ③the speed of trucks is smoother as truck drivers can identify the exit road conditions more quickly than the car drivers because of the larger angle of view; ④approximately 20 meters after the starting point of the transition section, the cars in the inner lane enter the deceleration lane with a lateral speed of 1.1 to 1.4 m/s, and when the mainline has a leftward curve it is most favorable to drive out; ⑤the clearance distance has the highest influence on driving behaviors, the traffic volume affects the most among traffic flow factors while the direction of curve deflection and deflection angle affect the most among the road geometry factors.
表 1 调研路段
Table 1. Investigation section
单位: m 公路名称 构造物 隧道长度 净距长度 西汉高速 朱雀停车区 6 300 15 秦岭服务区1 6 160 23 秦岭服务区2 11 200 25 皇冠互通1 330 23 皇冠互通2 370 150 福银高速 辋川互通 1 500 630 沪陕高速 竹林关互通 1 080 30 表 2 数据准确性检验
Table 2. Data accuracy test
车型分类 车速分类 真实车速(km/h) 检测车速(km/h) 小车 79 77 79 79 64.8 67 86 80 86 82 74 79 86.4 91 69 66 64.8 68 大车 47 45 45 41 45 40.5 64.2 65 39.8 36 43.2 39 39 39 57.6 59 61.5 60 表 3 误差分析
Table 3. Error analysis
车辆类型 误差极大值/(km/h) 极值误差率/% 均值误差/(km/h) 均值误差率/% 均值准确率/% 均方根误差/(km/h) 大车 5 10 2.98 6.06 93.7 2.94 小车 6 6.98 3.89 5.08 95.5 3.74 表 4 路段数据信息
Table 4. Data information
路段 拍摄时长/min 小车总量/驶出车辆 大车总量/驶出车辆 朱雀停车区 30 97/21 210/165 秦岭服务区1 30 148/54 124/300 秦岭服务区2 30 160/60 130/210 皇冠互通1 30 191/35 106/230 皇冠互通2 25 166/26 87/180 辋川互通 30 195/50 124/200 竹林关互通 25 93/45 88/45 表 5 各小净距路段车速数据描述信息
Table 5. Speed data description information of each short distance sections
单位: km/h 小净距采集点 均值 中位数 标准差 方差 偏度 峰度 极大值 极小值 V85 秦岭1号小净距 90.91 87.45 14.80 217.66 -0.12 0.27 123.91 42.22 97.85 秦岭2~3号小净距 87.78 86.51 15.61 248.55 -0.26 -0.72 117.54 49.45 104.78 木瓜园隧道小净距 85.26 86.4 12.56 157.73 0.21 -0.45 121.6 60.63 97.92 无名隧道小净距 87.38 87.73 12.64 159.68 0.18 -0.42 120.36 57.6 101.65 辋川隧道小净距 86.11 86.4 10.77 115.95 0.52 -0.16 120 62.27 97.92 州河北隧道小净距 89.78 88.31 11.63 135.27 0.60 -0.25 119.13 61.29 103.59 表 6 正态性验证
Table 6. Normality verification
小净距采集点 Z值 渐近显著性 秦岭1号小净距 0.128 0 秦岭2~3号小净距 0.072 0.007 木瓜园隧道小净距 0.077 0 无名隧道小净距 0.084 0 辋川隧道小净距 0.093 0 州河北隧道小净距 0.109 0 表 7 影响因素信息统计
Table 7. Statistics of influencing factors
路段名称 净距长度/m 交通流因素 道路几何因素 交通量/(veh/h) 大型车比例/% 转向比例/% 半径/m 转角/(°) 偏向 纵坡/% 秦岭1号小净距 30 710 24.98 15 直线 2 秦岭2~3号小净距 33 430 37.48 9.7 直线 2 木瓜园隧道小净距 25 720 21.58 3.7 直线 1.5 无名隧道小净距 152 488 32.08 2.5 1 800 25 右偏 1.5 辋川隧道小净距 605 804 19.68 6.1 1 500 16 左偏 / 州河北隧道小净距 33 626 31.38 8 700 78 左偏 -0.65 表 8 各小净距变道速度和断面速度离散性数据表
Table 8. Discrete data table of lane change speed and section speed for each short distance
路段 变道速度/(km/h) 断面速度/(km/h) 平均值 速度变异系数 平均值 速度变异系数 秦岭1号小净距 45.9 0.33 84.91 0.18 秦岭2~3号小净距 53.9 0.26 87.24 0.15 木瓜园隧道小净距 60.1 0.30 85.22 0.16 无名隧道小净距 76.32 0.20 88.64 0.13 辋川隧道小净距 61.68 0.21 86.55 0.17 州河北隧道小净距 68.83 0.31 89.75 0.13 表 9 出口间最小净距
Table 9. The minimum distance between exits
主线设计速度/(km/h) 最小净距/m 单向2车道 单向3车道 单向4车道 120 500 700 1 000 100 400 600 800 80 300 450 600 表 10 最小净距组成
Table 10. The composition of minimum value
主线设计速度/(km/h) 最小净距/m 明适应距离 识别距离 120 100 350 100 84 290 80 67 230 -
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