An Image Generation Method for Automated Driving Based on Improved GAN
Abstract:There is a huge demand for driving images in the automated driving systems based on end-to-end data system. In order to solve the instability of general generative adversarial network model and the lack of diversity of generated image features when expanding the driving image data set, this work proposed an improved network model, LS-InfoGAN. The least-squares loss is used to prevent the model gradient from disappearing and alleviate the contradiction in the generator during optimization, thereby improving stability of the model. The learning ability of the generator is improved by maximizing mutual information between generated images and actual images, thus improving the diversity of its features. The transposed convolutional layer to restore the image features is used to improve the clarity of the generated image features. The effectiveness and application performance of the model are verified with a labeled image dataset acquired in self-built driving scenes. According to the academic analysis in this study, compared with the model before the improvement, the stability of the image generation process of the LS-InfoGAN model is improved by an average of 35%。Besides, when used for training in the decision network of end-to-end self-driving systems, the augmented dataset can improve the decision performance by 1% to 2% without acquiring new images. The recommended number of generated images is 1 to 2 times the number of original images when the model is used to augment the dataset.
表 1 训练集和测试集组成
Table 1. Configuration of the training and testing dataset
数据集 来源 数量 左转 直行 右转 训练集 80%原始图像 2 607 3 152 2 606 测试集 20%原始图像 652 788 652 表 2 图像生成训练结果
Table 2. Results of image-production training
数据集 成功次数 失败次数 成功率/% CGAN 11 19 36.67 ACGAN 19 11 63.33 InfoGAN 16 14 53.33 LS-InfoGAN 26 4 86.67 表 3 分类评估结果
Table 3. Assessment results of classifications
扩充方法 类别 正确率(标准差)/% 查准率 召回率 无 直行 89.9(1.9) 90.8(4.0) 右转 90.6(2.9) 89.0(2.7) 左转 84.0(4.1) 84.1(4.0) 综合 88.2(1.1) 88.0(1.5) LS-InfoGAN 直行 91.2(1.3) 93.5(1.2) 右转 90.4(3.2) 91.3(2.0) 左转 87.6(1.9) 84.8(4.1) 综合 89.7(1.3) 89.9(1.1) InfoGAN 直行 90.7(2.9) 92.6(3.0) 右转 90.1(3.5) 91.1(2.3) 左转 86.9(4.6) 85.3(3.6) 综合 89.3(0.7) 89.7(0.7) CGAN 直行 91.2(1.5) 90.4(2.2) 右转 88.1(2.8) 89.2(4.1) 左转 83.6(2.5) 83.1(3.2) 综合 87.7(0.9) 87.6(0.9) ACGAN 直行 92.0(3.7) 89.8(4.4) 右转 89.3(2.0) 91.2(2.4) 左转 83.9(4.2) 84.4(3.5) 综合 88.4(1.4) 88.5(1.4) 表 4 不同数量生成图像对比评估结果
Table 4. Assessment results of classifications with different numbers of generating images
扩充数量 类别 正确率(标准差)/% 查准率 召回率 8 700 直行 91.2(1.3) 93.5(1.2) 右转 90.4(3.2) 91.3(2.0) 左转 87.6(1.9) 84.8(4.1) 综合 89.7(1.3) 89.9(1.1) 17 400 直行 92.3(1.2) 93.1(1.5) 右转 91.5(2.3) 91.2(2.5) 左转 87.4(2.1) 86.7(2.5) 综合 90.4(0.7) 90.4(0.8) 26 100 直行 91.2(1.2) 93.4(1.4) 右转 91.3(1.5) 90.1(3.6) 左转 86.9(2.9) 85.9(1.9) 综合 89.8(0.7) 89.8(1.0) -
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